Posts archive

Browse posts organized by the year that they were published.



Goodbye Gatsby, Hello Hugo

Hugo has ruined me. Other static site generators that rely on community plugins and copypasta to fill out their gaps don’t cut it anymore…


Jekyll’s site.url and baseurl

Learn what Jekyll’s site url and baseurl variables are and how to properly set them with relative_url and absolute_url filters to avoid broken links and 404 errors.


Twenty Nineteen

First time doing a year in review post. The statistics contained are just for fun as there’s nothing to compare them against yet.


Faster Netlify builds

Slowly but surely, I’ve been chipping away at my site’s build time on Netlify. There’s little left for me to optimize until Jekyll drops some nice updates in version 4.


Autumn refresh

Using CSS Grid Layout Module to redesign a Jekyll site and further improve performance and accessibility.



CSS blur effect

Playing with the new Depth Effect (aka fauxkeh) on my iPhone 7 Plus got me thinking about Gaussian blurs, and how to improve their use on this site.

Using SSI to detect cookies

In my never ending quest to micro-optimize the hell out of my site, I ran into a snag when trying to use SSI directives to improve the loading of critical CSS and cached stylesheets.

Inktober failure

Like previous years, I started out with the best of intentions for Inktober and then quickly lost steam…

What tablet do you use?

If it wasn’t obvious from the artwork on this site, I draw, paint, and create on Apple’s iPad.

Learning to draw on iPad

How did I git gud at drawing and painting on an iPad? The answer that no one likes to hear is “practice, practice, practice.

How to glitch images

To create profile images that look like they’ve been run through a television set with poor reception, I use DECIM8.

How to export high resolution Paper sketches

With Paper by WeTransfer you can only export as large as your iPad’s native resolution. If you care about getting more pixels out of your Paper art than the largest iPad Pro1 is the way to go.

How to draw straight lines

To draw straight lines on the iPad in apps that don’t have a ruler tool, I use whatever straight edge I have laying around: plastic ruler, book cover, piece of cardboard, notepad, etc.

How to paint smoothly with the brush tool

A smooth gradient can be achieved layering washes of watercolor on top of each other. Speed and pressure play an important role in how clean of a tone you end up with.

How I'm using Jekyll in 2016

Documenting my approach to using Jekyll, how that’s evolved over the years, and web development learnings I’ve picked up along the way.


The path to iPad Pro

Convincing myself that I need an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to fulfill all my digital illustration needs.

Paper v3.0 features

Paper comes to the iPhone with productivity boosting features like photo import, text notes, grid view, rotate, and more.

Mastering Pencil by FiftyThree

Learn how to create impressive effects with 53’s Pencil stylus and Paper app, using exclusive features like Blend and Surface Pressure.

Drawing experience

I’ve been drawing with traditional tools and materials — on and off for the last 20 years.


Mastering Mix by FiftyThree

Download these templates for Paper and discover how to use Mix to Learn, Sketch, Play, Write, Design, and Think.

Paper v2.0.0 bugs

Documented bugs and other strange behaviors found in Paper for iOS version 2.0.0 when using Pencil.

Grid method of drawing

How to use the grid method of drawing to improve your accuracy when drawing with the app Paper on iPad.

Starting young

It was only natural the two little rosebuds would become early adopters of technology.

Drawing and painting basics

Beginner friendly Paper app tutorials covering basic drawing and painting techniques, inking, and color theory principles.

Contour line drawing on iPad

How to use blind contour line drawing and the iPad app Paper, to improve hand eye coordination and observation skills.


Pogo Connect iPad stylus review

The Pogo Connect is an iPad stylus that brings pressure sensitivity and enhanced functionality to devices and apps that support it.



My profile

How 5 minutes spent creating an profile nabbed me free Moo business cards of my own design.